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Can a Musical Reminder Banish Bad Dreams?

Scientists hope that playing certain chords while sleeping can trigger positive memories and prevent nightmares



What an incredible and fascinating article about a condition called “Nightmare Disorder”.  Over the course of our lives from childhood through older adulthood, we all have experienced an occasional nightmare.  However, there are those who have so many that they experience real sleep disturbance and difficult waking lives.

“… the lasting effects of regular nightmares are very real. Nightmare disorder, a condition in which disturbing dreams are frequent and significantly impact life by producing fatigue or lasting feelings of unease and anxiety, is a surprisingly common ailment. In the United States, around 4 percent of adults (active link) —more than 10 million people—are affected. For those with nightmare disorder, lying down for a good night’s sleep can be an ordeal. They know that after they close their eyes, their brains will likely be flooded with negative emotions, and they’ll revisit a dreamworld they’d much rather avoid….Now, a study published this week (active link) in Current Biology suggests an intriguing method that might help sleepers take more control of their dreams. Sounds played during sleep may reduce the frequency of nightmares and promote positive emotions that can help lead to a better slumber.”  

The article presents an excellent description of how the research was completed.  The article can be used in conjunction with the chapter on sleep and states of consciousness.  



Smithsonian, October 27, 2022, by Brian Handwerk




(Tiny URL)



•What is Nightmare Disorder?  What are the symptoms and longer lasting effects?

•Explain how the study using musical chords was conducted with those who are diagnosed with Nightmare Disorder?  What were the results?

•Imagine that you are a Psychologist who specializes in sleep disorders.  How would you explain the procedure to a client with this serious Nightmare Disorder.


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