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How to Excel in Online Learning | Student Guide to Digital Classrooms



Though not an article, this website will be very helpful in preparing you to get ready for efficient and successful online learning this semester if needed.  From the website:  “Innovative teaching and learning platforms are giving online students unprecedented opportunities to earn a college education on their terms. However, online courses present unique challenges and often require an adjustment period, especially for first-timers. The following guide helps future and new online college students avoid common pitfalls, improve academic performance, manage their stress and time effectively, and find valuable resources. Learn what it takes to excel and make the most out of your online education.”  The website may include advertisements (the tutoring section and which are somewhat distracting and may be skipped over.  However, the information can be extremely helpful.



pastedGraphic.png by Luz Cludio Ph.D., and Robin Strempek Ph.D.



(Tiny URL)



•After reading the “COMMON MISTAKES” section, what would you consider to be the 3 most common that you would consider most important for you?

•After reading the section on “STUDY HABITS,” what would you consider the most important for your own learning style?

•After reading the “Time Management” section, what would be the most effective strategy for your own use?


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