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3 Fascinating Articles About Sleep Issues

Article #1


The New Science of Sleep



“Why people need rest and what happens to the mind and body during sleep remain enduring mysteries. But humans have intuitively grasped a connection between sufficient sleep and good health and emotional functioning. A wave of findings over the past two decades has established just how crucial quality sleep is.”

This is a thorough and well written article that will engage students who want to know more about sleep.  It is easy to read, understand, and will function as a complete resource providing up to date information about the entire topic related to sleep function and problems due to insufficient sleep and sleep disorders.



Psychology Today, May 7, 2019, by Holly Pevzner




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Article #2



People Are Sleeping in 20-Minute Bursts To Boost Productivity



Should you go to bed and just let nature takes it’s course to allow you to sleep straight for 6 to 8 hours (monophasic sleep)? Or should people alter the schedule to sleep in shorter periods of time and mix in naps throughout the day (polyphasic sleep)?  “Most people are monophasic sleepers, meaning they get all of their rest in one long chunk, typically at night. Polyphasic sleepers, meanwhile, snooze in short bursts throughout the day instead of sleeping all night. There are many different polyphasic sleep schedules, according to the Polyphasic Society, but one of the most popular involves a longer “core” sleep anywhere from 90 minutes to six hours, supplemented by 20-minute naps.”  Does one have an advantage over the other?  Those who practice polyphasic sleep believe there is, however there are no studies that empirically demonstrate any advantage.

This is an interesting article for class discussion after both textbook reading and lecture on sleep cycles.  Allow students to discuss both the facts, article, and their own experiences.  This will make for a very engaging topic.



Time, January 30, 2018, by Jamie Ducharme




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Article #3



Dreaming May Help the Brain Forget Excess Memories, a Study of Mice Shows



Sleep scientists have long speculated and researched the functions of dreaming and REM sleep state.  “In a study of mice, scientists have pinpointed neurons that helping the brain forget.  As researchers led by Akihiro Yamanaka of Japan’s Nagoya University report in the journal Science, special cells called melanin-concentrating hormone, or M.C.H., neurons, release electrical signals during R.E.M. sleep—a sleep phase marked by rapid eye movement, heightened heart rate and intense dreams. This process, in turn, enables the brain to filter out unneeded information and create room for new memories.” This is an animal study that points to the REM function and memory consolidation issues.  Can an animal study be generalized to humans?  This article can be used in a discussion of neuroscience, brain function, and cognition (memory) as well as sleep function.



Smithsonian, September  20, 2019, Meilan Solly




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•In humans, what are considered normal sleep cycles and functions of sleep?

•What is REM Sleep?  How does it differ from other sleep cycles?

•What happens if the sleep cycles are disrupted?  What are some of the physical/physiological as well as psychological problems associated with sleep deprivation?

•What do scientists believe to be one of the main functions of REM sleep?

•What is the difference between monophonic and polyphasic sleep?  Are there any studies that support an advantage of one over the other?


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