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The Psychological Effects of Being Displaced By a Hurricane



This is a very timely article about the impact of a naturally occurring event such as a hurricane.  It is a very up to date article that focuses on the recent impact of the hurricanes that hit the south east coast in September of 2022.  Many injured, dead, and lost homes and experienced distress and mental health issues as a result.  “But perhaps less visible—though still impactful—is the havoc a storm of this magnitude can wreak upon the psyches of those who live through it. According to ample research, the psychological effects of a hurricane can leave people reeling, particularly those who are displaced from their home before or during the disaster.” … For some people, such distress can lead to trouble with sleeping, anger and irritability, and a decreased sense of safety, which, Dr. Morganstein points out, can have adverse effects even if they are in a physically safe and secure place.  To cope with these distressing emotions, displaced people commonly begin to use or up their intake of substances like alcohol and tobacco, according to studies conducted after the 2004 Florida hurricanes and Hurricane Katrina. This presents “a serious public mental health problem, regardless of whether people have prior substance-use issues,” says Dr. Morganstein. Increased alcohol use, alone, for example, can raise the risk for violence in communities, errors and other problems in the workplace, and family conflict, he says. And any of the above will only deepen the psychological effects that people are already facing by being displaced by a hurricane.”

The article enumerates two important sections to increase our understanding of the issue and offers some ways to manage through the disaster.  The sections are:  “8 factors that make certain people displaced by a hurricane more likely to experience negative psychological effects.” and  “4 ways to mitigate the psychological effects of being displaced by a hurricane.”



Well+Good, October 3, 2022, by Erica Sloan




(Tiny URL)



•How does a disaster such as a hurricane that displaces people affect them psychologically?  What are some of the symptoms?  What are some of the ineffective harmful ways that some people cope?

•Pick 3 of the factors from “8 factors that make certain people displaced by a hurricane more likely to experience negative psychological effects” that you believe are most important to understand after a disaster?   What is your rationale for your choices?

•Which one of the “4 ways to mitigate the psychological effects of being displaced by a hurricane” would be most helpful in your opinion?   What is the rationale for your answer?


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