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How to Spot Depression in Young Children



Depression in young children is often difficult “to spot” and may have different symptoms than those in later childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.  Through the pandemic many have struggled with emotional difficulties — this article does an excellent job in focusing on “how to spot depression in young children,” the symptoms, and the treatment.  “Parents have carried heavy burdens of stress and responsibility, worrying about themselves but also watching their children struggle, and there is worldwide concern about depression and suicidality among young people. But it isn’t only the adults and the young adults and teenagers who are suffering and sad; young children can also experience depression, but it can look very different, which makes it challenging for parents — or doctors — to recognize it and provide help.  The signs of depression are usually different in young children, and young children are not likely to be able to verbally express themselves in saying “I’m feeling depressed.”  “So if you see changes like withdrawal from activities, irritability or sadness, fatigue, or sleep disturbances that persist for two weeks, consider having the child evaluated by someone who is familiar with mental health issues in children of that age. Start with your pediatrician, who will know about resources available in your area.

Parents should insist on a comprehensive mental health evaluation, Dr. Busman said, including gathering history from the parent, spending time with the child and talking to the school. An evaluation should include questions about symptoms of depression as well as looking for other problems, like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or anxiety, which may be at the root of the child’s distress.”  The article finishes with suggestions for activities with the child as well as treatment.

This article can be used in conjunction with the chapters on child development, abnormal behavior and psychopathology, and psychotherapy and treatment.



New York Times, April 1, 2021, by Perri Klass, M.D.



(Tiny URL)



•How do the symptoms of depression in young children manifest themselves?

•How are the symptoms of depression in young children different than in adults?

•How common is suicidal behavior in young children?  What should parents know about this type of problem?  What specific advice would you give to parents?

•If you were giving a lecture on childhood psychopathology, what topics would you include regarding young children.


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