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The Circadian Clock in Your Nose



In an interesting study using adolescent subjects, researchers were interested in whether the sense of smell (odor sensitivity) varied over the course of the day.   The purpose behind the experiment was to test a hypothesis regarding odor sensitivity and eating behaviors.  The subjects were tested at varying times throughout the day and night and slept in the “lab” for testing over 24 hours over the course of nine days.  “The results showed that overall the circadian clock does affect smell, and that the times when the children’s noses were most sensitive tended to correspond to the evening, with an average peak of 9 p.m.”  Thought the subject pool was small which makes generalizations difficult, the researchers believe that circadian rhythms affect all of the body’s systems, and this study demonstrates that the olfactory sense is also affected.



New York Times, November 8, 2017, by Veronique Greenwood



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•What is the olfactory sense?  What role does it play in eating behaviors?

•What are circadian rhythms?  How can they be measured using melatonin assessments.?

•What are the findings of the study described in the article and how do these also relate to the development of our senses in humans?


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