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Genetics & Birth Defects





iOS (free):   click on the icon to be taken to the information page



From the iTunes Store

“Topics include:

● Birth Defects
● Cleft Lip
● Cleft Palate
● Color Blindness
● Down Syndrome
● Dwarfism
● Fragile X
● Marfan Syndrome
● Neural Tube Defects
● Phenylketonuria
● Rett Syndrome
● Spina Bifida
● And many more topics…

A genetic disorder is a disease caused by a different form of a gene called a variation, or an alteration of a gene called a mutation. Many diseases have a genetic aspect. Some, including many cancers, are caused by a mutation in a gene or group of genes in a person’s cells. These mutations can occur randomly or because of an environmental exposure such as cigarette smoke.

Other genetic disorders are inherited. A mutated gene is passed down through a family and each generation of children can inherit the gene that causes the disease. Still other genetic disorders are due to problems with the number of packages of genes called chromosomes. In Down syndrome, for example, there is an extra copy of chromosome 21.”


This is an informational app that would be useful in class on the topic of human development, birth defects, genetic problems, as well as teratogens.  It will engage students and provide useful information given the current events in the news (Zika virus, lead exposure from drinking water).

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