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Got Arachnophobia? There’s an App for That

Smartphone app helps fearful individuals overcome phobia of spiders



What a fascinating article!  This research into arachnophobia illustrates the use of augmented reality technology and combines it with exposure therapy used for desensitization of phobias:  “Now there’s an app for that. Researchers at the University of Basel in Switzerland have developed a smartphone program that uses augmented reality (AR) to help those with the shakes over spiders overcome their suffering. (The researchers state app is designed “for those who suffer from a mild, clinically insignificant fear of spiders who are at least 16 years of age.” People with a severe fear should consult a specialist before using the app.)  Called Phobys, the new app displays a 3-D spider model on the real-world images seen through the user’s smartphone as a form of exposure therapy—a cognitive behavioral treatment designed to ease discomfort through gradual introduction the feared item.”  This is a good article in that it highlights empirical research to demonstrate the how psychology and technology can be used in clinical/therapy work.   

The article contains a YouTube video demonstrating the use of the app.

The Psychology App of the Week for November 8, 2021 provides more information about the app and a link.



Smithsonian Magazine, September 23, 2021, by David Kindy



(Tiny URL)



•What is arachnophobia?

•The clinical therapeutic procedure to deal with fears and phobia is a form of exposure and desensitization therapies.  How do these procedures operate?

•How did the researchers combine the Augmented Reality technology with the exposure/desensitization clinical therapy regimen? 

•What were the results of the study?  What is the future promise of using AR as a therapy technique?


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